The Meaning of “Moksa”…



As a loyal customer to Moksa, or even as someone just passing by our restaurant, have you ever wondered what exactly Moksa means?

Moksha (Sanskrit; मोक्ष mokṣa) means emancipation, liberation, or release. In a psychological sense, Moksha promotes freedom, self-realization and self-knowledge. Some people tirelessly strive to achieve Moksha their entire lives…

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In Hinduism, Moksha is one of the four aspects and goals of overall human life; the other three are Dharma (virtuous, proper, moral life), Artha, (material prosperity, income security, means of life), and Kama (pleasure, sensuality, emotional fulfillment). Together, these four aims of life are called Purusartha.

The definition and meaning of Moksha differs between various schools of Indian religion. It is not just the absence of suffering; some schools of Hinduism explain Moksha as the oneness with the Supreme Self in a state of knowledge and peace, a way to believe that the Earth is part of you, and you can rise above violence, misunderstanding, and ignorance from others in it.

Among the Samkhya, Yoga and Vedanta schools of Hinduism, if you are lucky enough to reach Moksha, you are called a jivanmukta (self-realized person). Such a liberated individual shows characteristics such as:

  • he is not bothered by disrespect and endures cruel words, treats others with respect regardless of how others treat him
  • when confronted by an angry person he does not return anger, instead replies with soft and kind words
  • even if tortured, he speaks and trusts the truth
  • he does not crave for blessings or expect praise from others


So…in this crazy world we live in, how does one achieve Mokhsa? Two great ways, even if only temporary,  are through daily Yoga and Meditation; being as close as possible to your internal self and releasing the stress of the external world. But we think another great way is walking through our doors, sitting down with friends, and leaving the stress and madness of the day behind you. Our hope at Moksa is that you will feel content, happy, and secure with the decision you’ve made once you come in to see us. LIBERATION & LIBATION…are there two better reasons?


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