Mind Your Manners & Hold the Soy… {Sushi Etiquette}


Did you know there’s a right and wrong way to eat Sushi? It’s true. Temperature, speed of eating, amount of condiments used, etc. can all affect the way your delicately prepared sushi is experienced and enjoyed.

Below are some standard rules to live by while enjoying this delicious raw fish concoction, compiled by tips straight from the source: Sushi Chefs:

1) ALWAYS USE CHOPSTICKS. This should be pretty obvious, and there is NO exception to this rule. Ever. If you bring a sushi newbie to a restaurant and they grab a piece with their hands, you may need to give them a little refresher outside the public eye before they can be re-introduced in front of other sushi loving patrons.

2) Do not drown this delicacy in Soy sauce! You’re ordering this dish for a reason, right? The raw, complex flavors of fish and vegetables should not be out-shined by Soy sauce.

3) Eat the sushi in one bite. Not only does breaking it apart get messy, but it’s considered extremely bad etiquette. Good, quality sushi should always be the perfect size to enjoy in one bite (ie. tightly rolled, not overly stuffed. No Monster Rolls here.)

4) Think outside the California Roll. Diversify yourself! After you’ve tried all the run-of-the-mill rolls, get busy becoming a sushi connoisseur and opt for things you never thought you’d try before. You never know what you might like!

5) Do not drown the wasabi. Instead of adding your wasabi directly to your Soy sauce, administer it directly to the fish you are about to consume. You’ll get more bang for your buck and you won’t get a watered down version of this amazing spice.

6) Pickled ginger is a palette cleanser and should not be dipped in soy or applied directly to your sushi. Enjoy it on its own between bites.

7) Do not wait too long to eat your sushi. Eat as quickly as is comfortable for you in order to not disrupt the taste by the change in temperature.

These are just the basics, folks. Eating sushi is not like eating anything else; it is a journey, an absolute culinary treat from start to finish. So remember the rules the next time you’re at Moksa, and see if it makes your sushi dining experience a life-changing one. And don’t forget! All You Can Eat Sushi starts here at Moksa next Monday night @ 5pm and every Monday night until we think you’ve sufficiently gorged yourself 🙂


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